Monday, August 27, 2007

Cynicism that comes from native wisdom

Cynicism that comes from native wisdom

One tacit challenge that implementation consultants typically encounter, after the sales gibberish ends and rigmarole of the implementation starts, is the entrenched cynicism of the HR Veterans in the organization .This skepticism is engendered by what can be called the native wisdom of the Veterans. The native wisdom is collective culmination of being a witness to several ‘radically new’ and ‘paradigm shifting’ HR programs and initiatives launched with much fanfare and product implementations initiated with transformational promises. We loathe admitting it but we know that that most HR Programs and product implementations seldom deliver value .Atleast in the perception of the end business user

While implementing PS recruitment module in one of my earlier assignments, we did a requirement gathering workshop that had participation from staffing representatives of the organization (average tenure of the group was little less than 2 yrs). We had a fairly useful session and covered a lot of ground.

Based on this, we build a prototype and showcased it to the Staffing team. During one of these demos, there was this ‘indifferent’ participant who was posing sardonic questions But the questions could have possibly come only from someone who had a thorough understanding of the intricacies of the recruitment process. During the break, I caught up with this person and conversed with him. A typical guy in the trenches, he was too caught up in his daily deliverables and so could not be sparred for participation in the requirement gathering workshop. In the course of our conversation he gave be tremendous insights on the organization-the history of two abortive attempts at implementation staffing application, the dominant managerial style prevailing in the organization that could be potentially detrimental to the success of Manager Staffing Desktop.

During the implementation, I realized that several insights provided by the veteran were true

The veterans are encyclopedic storehouse of organizational knowledge .They might provide tremendous insights that will be of invaluable help in understanding complex issues involved in the implementations.

Much later during a payroll implementation, the ‘native wisdom’ of another veteran opened new vistas for me

PS-Long break in programming attributable to tyranny of currently working in PS Base Benefits,which is proving a tough nut to crack.Hope to regularly update